A commitment to quality: Meyers earns G7 Master Qualification for 11th year
Want to know if a printer is committed to producing excellent work? You could look at samples, or talk to their clients. But there is a simple way to tell if a printer works hard behind the scenes to ensure quality results before the ink ever hits the press.
Idealliance’s G7 Master Qualification is a clear sign. The recognition, which Meyers recently earned for the 11th consecutive year, is an assurance that a printer has taken the extra steps necessary to create an environment that streamlines the process of creating consistently excellent work.
G7 establishes gray balance across all presses, assuring printers have a neutral foundation from which they can more easily balance color output. Achieving G7 Master Qualification allows printers to remove subjective judgments from discussions of color, meaning presses will produce a similar visual experience regardless of the press, print process, or substrate used.
In other words, colors come out looking the way they’re supposed to. Every time.
That consistency is essential for brands that want to see similar representation across a variety of marketing channels and media. G7 Master Qualification is a promise printers make to their clients that the work coming off the press will match their concept and brand.
There are only about 1,500 G7 Master-qualified printers worldwide, which means the recognition is not easy to earn. Meyers employed a G7 Expert to analyze our print processes and make sure they are in line with G7 requirements.
This is one more way Meyers demonstrates a commitment to producing the highest-quality work on every job, for every client. Contact us soon to learn more about the importance of color quality and consistency for your next project.