In celebration of zero
Zero gets a bad rap. It’s nothing. It’s a shutout. It’s the short end of the stick whenever some movie bully suggests the object of their attention “drop the zero and get with the hero.”
Nobody loves zero.
We have a different view at Meyers. We believe zero can be fantastic. In fact, when people ask about our approach to customer service, we sometimes tell them that it’s our job to make sure everything adds up to zero.
As in, zero problems. As in, zero delays. As in, zero reasons for clients to believe the project they brought to us was anything other than an ordinary day at the office.
The projects we take on are seldom simple or straightforward. Meyers takes pride in pushing boundaries and innovating on behalf of our clients. And when you’re doing things that have never been done, you’re bound to run into the occasional roadblock. It’s our job to make sure that no matter how many twists and turns a project takes, our clients see only a straight line from start to finish.
Consider, for example, the kits we produce and assemble three times a year for a major national client. We produced 2,915 kits this year, each of which included some combination of 492 individual elements. The exact contents of each kit varied from location to location, and we sent kits to all 50 states and to locations as diverse as the United States Supreme Court and Disneyland. There are a lot of opportunities in a project like that for something to go wrong, but we nailed it.
“Just opened the kit and wanted to say how nice everything looks,” the client wrote after the project was complete. “Great work, as usual!”
Or, consider a recent project that required our team to produce 100,000 labels and tags to accompany the launch of a new food product. The order came in on a Friday, and the client needed finished products by the following Tuesday. That would be a challenge under normal circumstances, but in this case, Monday was Labor Day, and the job called for a red foil that wasn’t available. We had to create a solution to give the client what they were looking for, and do it on a multi-layer label that included a peel-off recipe.
Despite all of those obstacles, we turned that project around on time and got all the details exactly right. The client appreciated our work so much they sent coupons for free bacon.
We appreciate challenging jobs at Meyers, and we take pride in our ability to exceed client expectations while making even the most difficult projects look simple. At Meyers, zero will never be a dirty word. It’s our promise.